Addiction Recovery

Last night I attended an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting as the guest of a good friend. She celebrated 18 years of sobriety and received her 18-year coin. What a beautiful experience as we listened to her grateful testimony sharing how A.A. saved her life. The many testimonies of people who had anywhere from a few weeks […]

Relationships Can Hurt

There are times in our life where we feel hurt, misunderstood, disrespected, or put-down. Where do these feelings come from and what are we supposed to do with them? First of all, your feelings are just that—your feelings.  It’s what you do with your feelings (your behavior) that matters. Sometimes relationships you know, love, and […]

Exercise Creates Health

A couple of years ago Time Magazine came out with a great article, “The New Science of Exercise.”  Here are just a few of the great take-aways: -If there was a drug that could do for human health everything that exercise can, it would likely be the most valuable pharmaceutical ever developed. (This comment is […]

Hold on to Hope

Where are you today? Are you living the life you want to live? Are you fulfilling your God-given mission and purpose in life? Do you have your core values, your dreams, goals, and your purpose statement written down and in plain sight? Or…are you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, depressed, guilty for your past mistakes, or just plain hopeless? I […]

Successful Parenting

My children are adults now, most with children of their own, so I can say that my daily parenting days are over.  I can also tell you that of everything I’ve ever accomplished, raising and watching my four children grow into stable, content, fulfilled, responsible adults has been my greatest joy. Parenting is not for […]