Five Ways to Turn Off Work

With our personal devices attached to our hips, most people take their work home with them. How do we create boundaries to keep our work in proper perspective? 1. Turn off Your Device. Unless it is a job requirement, you can turn off your devices. FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) is something that you can […]

The Six Things you want to Avoid to be a Good Dad

1. Substance Abuse is the number one killer of Good Dads. If you suffer from any substance abuse seek help now. Nothing is more important to you and your family. 2. Violence has the potential of destroying the lives of children for generations. If you find that you lash out at your children or spouse, […]

The Four Most Important Things You Want to do to be a Good Dad

1. Be Faithful. Your family needs to know you as predicable and dependable, although you’re not perfect. When you say you’ll do something, you do it. People are surprised if you don’t show up when you say you will. This character quality will serve you well in all areas of your life. This makes the […]