Where Do We Find Morality?

In America today many people are trying to construct the moral fabric of their lives out of our various laws and legal codes. Some think they have the right to do anything as long as it is legal. This is flawed thinking. There is an old saying that goes like this: “In England you can […]

Marriage – Some Wars Are Personal

Not all wars are waged on a battlefield with bombs and bullets. Some are the wars of words waged between husbands and wives who have forgotten how to love each other. When a man and woman live together as husband and wife, they get to know each other very well. Each spouse knows how to […]

How Can I Know What God is Like?

Many people want firm answers about God before they can believe. Although there is plenty of evidence that God is real and that Jesus existed and walked this earth over 2000 years ago, we need to exercise faith, through a decision to believe that God, through Jesus is who he said he is. Here is […]