How to Tell if it’s Counterfeit

Many words are used to describe counterfeit; forged, feigned, simulated, sham, spurious, bogus, substitute, imitation, and fake, are just a few.

Our world is filled with fake promises, products, remedies, and relationships. Sometimes it’s hard to know what’s real and what isn’t’.

Here’s a couple of things you can do to help prevent fraud. You can’t always avoid the imitations, but these two things should help with your discernment.

1) Too often I hear or read about an older person who has lost lots of money because of a phishing phone call or a fraudulent internet scam. If someone you don’t know calls and asks you for personal information, tell them it’s not a good time, take their name and contact, and tell them you will call them back. Get as much information as possible. If they won’t give it to you that’s a red flag.

If you get an email from your bank or credit card company telling you that you need to respond immediately, do not respond to the email. Contact the institution via the numbers you know to be true and legitimate.

2) Although we don’t want to go around being suspicious of everyone, know who you are going to the movie or out to dinner with. I’ve known of women being put in very dangerous situations because they went on a date with someone they met online. meeting someone at your place of worship doesn’t mean that person is who they say they are either. Ask around. Check references. Don’t let anyone into your home to do any kind of repair or work without checking them out.

Be aware. Be smart. Don’t believe everything you hear or read. If it seems too good to be true, it might be fake!

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