Category: Personal Development

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Mental Health and Wellness

How Do We Deal with Disappointment?

It’s Holy Week and I make a practice of taking the time to recognize each day from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday. From that triumphant

Personal Development

8 Attributes of a Great Leader

We spend a lot of time flying on Southwest Airlines and I enjoy reading their in- flight magazine. I recently read about Herb Kellerher, the

Personal Development

3 Ways to Become a Better Version of YOU

“Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” Eleanor Roosevelt If you are guilty of talking more about people, or even

Personal Development

What Are you Afraid Of?

Let’s be honest: we all have fears—and yours aren’t the same as mine. (I say we all have them because I don’t know of anyone

Personal Development

5 Benefits of Being Hope-Filled

Where are you today? Are you living the life you want to live? Are you fulfilling your God-given mission and purpose in life? Do you

Personal Development

The One Word That Can Change Your Life

How many times have you been told, “don’t forget lunch,” or “don’t forget the birthday,” or how about, “don’t forget where you parked your car?”

Personal Development

8 Steps to Help You Achieve Your Goals

1) Write your goals down. Remember- “if you’re failing to plan, you’re planning to fail.” Handwrite them first and then put them on a word

Personal Development

4 Things to Help Your Worrying

Worry is something everyone experiences. We worry about our health, our finances, our job (or lack of one), our spouse, our children, and our grandchildren,

Personal Development

Where Do You Find Happiness?

Guest post by Angie Schuller Wyatt Romantic notions about happiness begin early in life with fairy tales about true love that all young girls are

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