Depression Stems from Dependence

If you depend on people to provide your security, prestige, and comfort in life, you are looking in the wrong place.  If you continue to control and fight for perfectionistic dreams you will soon realize that you are not in control of your own destiny and you will end up discouraged and depressed. When your dreams don’t materialize, when you lose control, and they come crashing down, so too does depression overtake you and make you feel even more out of control and more hopeless. It can feel like a never-ending cycle.

Not until you remove those dependencies can you feel and experience the grace of God.  You can only do this through complete surrender.

You need to let go of the dependency of control of people and things surrounding you. Then you can you truly experience freedom, and the ability to love and accept every situation you are in.

Dependencies can be paralyzing and until they are stripped away you cannot know the healing, grace and life-giving power of a loving God.

Your depression and feelings of hopelessness can be conquered, once you surrender all to Him.  You will learn to love others unconditionally; the way God loves them.  You will also learn to turn all of your control over to the one who created the heavens and the earth.  He cares for you more than you will ever know.

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