For the Love of Grandchildren

I’ve heard it said, “the best thing about having children is having grandchildren.” There’s a lot of truth to that. I love my grandchildren as I love my children, the only difference is, I get to enjoy the delightful things they summon, and don’t have the day-to-day responsibilities of all the really tough stuff. Grandchildren keep me young, keep me enjoying the little things in life, and they remind me what’s really important. They say what’s on their minds, dance with abandon, sleep like rocks (when they finally get to sleep), and they think their grandparents are the best thing in the whole world.

The most valuable thing you have to give your grandchildren is your time. It’s when you get down on the floor to help build their train set, play hide-and-seek, or turn the music on full-blast and host a “dance party.” When you’re with them and have other worries or cares, you don’t enjoy them as much. Also, your grandchildren will pick up on your preoccupation or stress, so put the things you “have to do” on hold for a few hours. Your grandchildren won’t be young forever. Time goes back way too quickly, and soon they’ll be busy hanging out with friends, or consumed with after-school sports. Enjoy them now while you can and thank God you can give them back at the end of the day!

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