What We Believe

A Legacy of Faith, Inspiration, and Possibility Thinking.


Foundational Beginnings

The Robert Schuller Ministries was chartered in 2009 in Orange County, California. It is an outgrowth of the Dutch Reformed Church in America (RCA). As a result, our church holds most of the same beliefs and values of the RCA.

Theologically, our faith’s foundation is in God’s loving, sovereign will. As an awake and Freedom-Loving church, we honor traditional family values and Christian morals. We believe we are called to “pray like everything depends on God and work like it all depends on us.”

~St. Augustine

We adhere to the following creeds:

  • The Apostles Creed
  • The Nicene Creed
  • The Athanasian Creed
  • The Heidelberg Catechism
  • The Belgic Confession
  • The Canons of the Synod of Dort

a community of faith over fear

Our Tireless Devotion to Inspiration Ministry

For Decades Robert Schuller Ministries has been a beacon of hope, championing a journey of faith into today’s ever-evolving and increasingly complex world. Below are just some of our Ministries projects to create a better future for all!

Sunday Church

Every Sunday at 8am PST
Streamed live each week!

The Call: Video Podcast

New Episodes every Month on the 15th.

Schuller Help for addicts

God can help you break free. We're here to help.

Fighting for
Religious Freedom

Championing Religious Freedom for all!