A Checklist to Help You Relate to God

Sometimes I hear people say that they don’t think God cares about them or that they just can’t relate to God. Check the following out and practice relating. Then you will see evidence of God in your everyday life.

Believe that God loves you no matter what. He created you and even when you screw-up, he always gives you a second chance. He isn’t judgmental, even when others in your life are.

Trust that God is there for you at all times-If you feel alone, it’s you who has moved away from God. He is always present if you call on Him.

Recollect times when God has been there for you-it’s healthy to reminisce, realizing how God has helped you overcome situations in your past and He will help you now.

Develop an attitude of gratitude-Embrace gratefulness and thank God for everything. If you do, you’ll see how your life’s experiences are far-richer and more meaningful.

God will provide what you need-He always gives you what you need, when you need it. He doesn’t always give you what you want. Pay attention to the difference between the two.

God is at work in others open your eyes to the beauty found in God’s family. There are many people who are doing great things for God. Once you become tuned-in to what others are doing for good, you will embrace a more loving and understanding attitude. A positive loving disposition is good for everyone and everything.

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done. Philippians 4:6

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